Sunday, August 26, 2018

Story Board Shots


 This is the "Extreme Close-Up". This camera angle is a zoomed-in shot on a small detail, for example, the eyes of a subject.

  This clip is an example of the "Close-Up". A close-up shot is a shot of a part of a subject or object, such as a hand and the mouse in the clip above.

This is the "Flash" shot. A shot commonly used for jumpscaresby briefly showing something.

Now the video above introduce the "Head-on Shot". The head-on shot is when the action come directly at the camera. Me punching the camera was the action.

In the following clip above we have two shots taken at once;the "cameo shot" and "full shot". A full shot is a long shot that reveals the subject full body from head to toe, meanwhile a cameo shot is a shot showing the subject being filmed by either a neutral or black background color.

Just as the previous clip above this clip shows two different type of shots. The clip above demonstrates the "eye level" shot and the "choker" shot. The eye level shot is a shot of the subject at eye level, shown as we are in Sergio eye level wether he like it or not. This is also a choker shot because this is a very tight close-up of Sergio's gigantic head; showing his face expression.

This clip of Kenneth introduce the "Freeze Frame" and the "Reaction Shot". A freeze frame is a shot repeating from the same exact frame appearing that everything is "frozen". At the same time, this clip is a close shot of Kenneth reacting to something off camera.

  This is a "follow shot". I (the camera) follows the subject (Kenneth) as obviously stated in the name.

This last clip I am demonstrating is a long shot that shows a location and the mood. Sergio is walking around the school and frantic. Making this a "Establishing Shot" because we can already establish a situation and setting.

This is a "Low Angle" shot. A shot filmed down low, often looking up at the subject.

  The clip above is the "Point-of-view" shot: a shot from the character's point of view.
 Although this a poor demonstration this is what is called the "Cutaway" shot. A shot that is related to the main action of the scene but briefly leave it.

(All definitions come from AFI Screen Education. )


  1. Nice job on all your shots, Chris! My top favorite shots were definitely the flash shot, the head-on shot, the eye-level shot, and the freezeframe. The flash shot truly caught me off guard because I was not expecting it, which is the purpose of a shot like that. Good choice. The eye-level shot was a pretty good example. It was good to record at Sergio's view to portray an eye-level shot. The next shot I thought was great was the head-on shot. Punching the camera is a perfect way to feel as if the shot was real in person, since it comes directly towards the viewer. The last shot I liked was the freezeframe shot. The way you recorded around Kenneth acting frozen made it seem more real as if he was actually frozen.

  2. I liked you shots chris and my favorite one was definitely the one of me frozen because i didn't even know i did that video. but good job with all the shots!.
