Thursday, November 1, 2018

Assignment 3b : Film Viewing Practice Exam

Christopher Charlestin
AICE Movie Exam

  After viewing the first 5 minutes of the movie Agent Carter, Marvel One-Shots, 2013, dir. Louis D’Esposito, the misc-en-scenes: costumes, settings, lighting, and acting help the audience understand the plot of the film. The setting of the film takes place somewhere in the northeastern region in the United States of America taking place in the early twentieth century, a year after the first world war. Remember the setting is key to the film to help set the idea of women were treated when brought up the idea of them doing a "man's job". In addition to the setting, The costumes and make-up of the characters in the film hint that the story is taking place in the early 1910s since all of the employees in the S.H.I.EL.D are dress formally. Going further with the mise-en-scene, the acting from the lead actress playing as Peggy Carter uses non-method acting and method acting to keep the audience engage and make it seem she is really living as the character she plays, for example, the actress uses face expression and body language to show her annoyance when her boss continues to give her lowly paperwork to do even though she has the skills to succeed in on field assignments but refuse to because of the idea that she is a woman still grieving a year later and unable to continue to do work efficiently. The actress playing Peggy Carter also sounds very sarcastic, confidence and informal which is key to the clip because she is supposed to sound like that selling her role. The mise-en-scène describes of what can be view in the given clip and goes even further to give an idea of the plot of what the entire film is about.

  In the movie clip; simultaneity, leitmotif, and parallelism are few masters edits use in the first five minutes of the movie  Agent Carter. Parallelism is using to connect two seemingly unrelated scenes by cutting between them and focusing on parallel features, for instances, at the beginning of the film
a man is about to crash in a jet as Peggy tries to find a way to get him to reroute safely but he declines and accepts his fate, then a few minutes after the scene the audience see Carter working a year later after the event and pulls a picture of the same man, showing the connection between the two scenes. For leitmotif , the red flashing light seems to be a reoccuring them in the first five minutes of film to indicate some sort of mission is being requested, from the timecode of 0:51-1:17 of the video, a mission on the zodiac was requested to headquarter  and again red flashing light and a ringing noise indicate another zodiac mission but this time the main protagonist on the timecode of 2:56-3:17. Following with the simultaneity editing technique, a technique used to cut between two events happening at the same time, this is used at the beginning of the film switching from the man piloting a jet and Peggie trying to find a way to help the man. 

 During the first five minutes of Agent Carter, there is many sound devices, camera shots, and angles movement that is used. The movie starts out with Nonsimultaneous sound by giving a radio call between the man and the jet and Peggy during the opening title screen, direct sound or diegetic sound are used as dialogues between characters, post-synchronization dubbing which was used for punching sounding effects when Peggie intrifilted the zodiacs base while knocking out his cronies, in other words, these sound edits make the film feel more realistic. For camera shots, many close shots and two shots were taken multiple times in the film so we can see the characters interact waist level, for example,  when in the headquarters the men get together and interacting on missions catching the attention of Carter who feels should be in the feild instead of doing paperworks and statistics. Camera movements like the panning movement is use to transition the scene to another setting ot set up a establishing shot, to give an idea 0:39 pan out to a black screen to show a city  and on 3:19 it pans to night as carter prepares to break into the crimisals hideout. Camera movements are ideal for transitioning.

Without these filming elements, the five minutes given from Agent Carter would not have accomplish of what it intend to do; without the misc-en-scene the audience would likely not have too much of the point of the scene right away, without the sounds and camera angle the video would be too dull, and without the master edits the movie would not be as clever.

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